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I can't play it :(( Game is stuck on the menu and won't respond to anything

You use Z/Enter/Space and arrow keys to play the game! It doesn't work with the mouse!


I absolutely loved it. Despite it being a demo, it still felt like it offered a lot. I'm also glad that there are still people who remember Dreaming Mary. Good luck with the development.

Also, make sure you get plenty of sleep. That way you won't end up forgetting the simple things. I didn't have enough while making this video. It's a long story, apologies.

Thank you so much for playing! ♡ I really enjoyed the video!


Just played the demo and I absolutely adore the character portraits! Do you have an estimate to when you think the full version will be released or about how much is already completed?


Thank you for playing! ♡ I think the game is around 70% right now, but I don't have a release date yet, so sorry!


Seriously, I can't wait for the full game to come out!!! 

A perfect game for the cute horror lovers like me ^-^

The story, aesthetic, music, and characters are so good! I am patiently waiting to see all the hard work you put into this <3 

Thank you so much for the playthrough video! ♡ I really enjoyed it!

waaah I’m so happy you enjoyed it!!! <3333



Thank you! ♡

(2 edits) (+2)

have been waiting for 2 years snif snif when the full game coming out, i hope you are fine.


Sorry for the long wait! Thank you for your patience ♡ I promise I'm working hard on the game!

(1 edit) (+1)

with this game being inspired by my two fav games, Mad Father and Pocket Mirror, makes me even more excited for the full game to be released 


I'm so happy! ♡ I love those two games with all of my heart, so I hope I'll be able to do them justice and make a really great game!

(1 edit) (+1)

Well hope you’ll succeed in making the full game:>


this was super adorable, but also kinda spooky! i loved how it was showing a sort of faux security, especially after that one room... the rooms were also * delicious * to look at, i can't wait to see where this goes! ^^

Thank you for commenting! ♡ I'm so happy to hear that!



Thank you! ♡ I'll do my best!


IT'S SOOO CUTE WHAT!! I LOVED THE DEMO OMG i can't wait for the full game!!!!!

Thank you so much! ♡


THIS GAME IS SO CUTE??? i really love the aesthetic of it, and i love the fact that the concept will go from cute to creepy<33 also, the save/load screen is very creative and the soundtrack is so beautiful!! [thank you for adding the 'melodies' section where i can loop the songs,,]

i'm looking forward to the full game release! :3

Thank you so much for your sweet words! ♡ I'm so glad you liked the 'melodies' section of the menu haha

(1 edit) (+1)

please make it in turkish

I'll do my best to release a translation! ♡


This game is so pretty and the story seems great! I know you have to finish it first but will you consider doing a french translation of the game? Anyway I can't wait to play the full version!!

Thank you so much! I'm definitely considering a French translation and would love to release a translation for the full final game! ♡


Inspired by Pocket Mirror, Sukii sees you have good taste! That one holds a special place in Sukii's heart!

Yes, I love Pocket Mirror! Thank you Sukii! ♡

You're welcome, ehe~

Could Sukii be your friend? You seem extremely kind and sweet! Sorry if it's sorta much to ask...


I love this demoooo!! Hablo español y está muy bien traducido, amo este estilo de juegos y me ha sorprendido gratamente esta demo, espero ver el juego completo pronto <3

Thank you! ♡


This is the cutest and most awesome game I have ever played, cannot wait for the full game <33

You're so sweet, thank you! ♡


I really love these style of games, the art style is so cute!! The added voice affects brings out her personality more and i love that sm. Im already really interested in the story of the game and cant wait for more!! <3<3<3

Aww thank you so much for your kind words! ♡


super cute and love the past/future self concept!! will be patiently waiting for the full game <3 caught the manlybadasshero reference lol. only critique I really have is to add a fullscreen option, alt + enter works but stretches the screen out a lot. this looks like it's gonna be really good, gives me the same vibes as when pocket mirror was in development years ago and I love that.

Thank you for your kind comment! ♡ I'm glad you caught the reference haha!




I’m so happy to hear it, thank you! ♡ I’ll do my best~



You’re so so kind, thank you so much! ♡



I’m so happy! Thank you! ♡



Thank you so much! ♡


we need chinese!

I’ll try to find a Chinese translator! Thank you! ♡


chinese please!!~~:)

I’ll try to find a Chinese translator! Thank you! ♡


i love it!! cant wait for full game <3

Thank you! ♡


amazing demo !!! i absolutely loved it !!! the aesthetic is AMAZING and the narrative is SOOOO GOOD !! congratulations, im super excited to see what's next for laletta :DD (i definetly didn't spend 10 minutes with the code puzzle)

Thank you so much for the lovely playthrough! I’m glad you enjoyed my game! ♡


巧合,这个游戏的声音(Rue des trois frères)是我最近一直在听的,期待完整的杰作!(●'◡'●)

谢谢 ♡


great game ill definitely check it out on full release my mind was swirling of thoughts and theories of what would be happening next in the story and on its full release it reminds me of other rpg horror games like mad father, IB, and omori also the art style and pixel art is very cute and adorable (also i had no idea pink chocolate was a real thing lol)


Thank you so much for playing! ♡ I'm really glad it reminds you of those games because those are all my inspirations~ (and yes, pink chocolate is real! It's just strawberry chocolate though haha)

(2 edits) (+2) game, from my playthrough this game has potential. im guessing it's one of those LONG rpg games like omori but that doesnt matter for me. so far it's a really good story!

SPOILER WARNING , i see that it has a bit of NARCISSISM in it which i can relate to as somebody with npd! you dont know you have it and you're like "a queen like me COMPLETLY deserves all of this! yes i know. i have a NORMAL LIFE!insane " and think it's just self love even tho you do have insecurities you dont think you're "the best of the best"

i did post a playthrough but. not on youtube since i prefer posting on odysee PERSONALLY


Thank you so much for the playthrough as well as your lovely and long comment! ♡ I really enjoyed reading your take on the game and I can't wait to see what you think of the final version~


Cute but creepy, psychological but whimsical, just the way I like it. Looking forward to the full release.


Thank you very much! ♡


Loved this demo!!! I can't wait for the full game! The demo was a fantastic blend of cute and horror! 


I really enjoyed your lovely playthrough, thank you so much! ♡


Looks nice. I can see that your inspired by pocket mirror indeed but that isnt a bad thing. I think that your doing a great job at giving it a great spin. I would love to see what this game will become wen it is fully released.


Thank you very much! ♡


Great demo! The puzzles are a little lacking so far, but I'm really interested in the story. Dreams are so fun to explore in games, because of that contrast of dreams and nightmares.


Thank you for your lovely feedback! ♡ I'll be sure to focus more on developing the puzzles for the final version!

Best of luck! I'll be happy to see more from you


From the moment i clicked on the page i just knew it was going to be good, cant wait!!


Aww you're too kind, thank you! ♡

Someone can help me? i want to play the game but it says "RPGVAxe RTP is required to play" and then the page closes! idk what to do (and sorry for the bad writting) ;c

weird because i only have problem with the spanish version and the english ver everything is okay


Try downloading the RPG Maker VX Ace RTP:

That may solve the issue, because I've had very similar problems in the past.


Thank you so much for helping out! 


Great job blending the cute and creepy aspects. Puzzles were fun to figure out too. Top-notch stuff, keep it up! Full playthrough here:


Thank you so much for the wonderful playthrough! ♡ I really enjoyed it~


i love the aesthetic!! i will wait for the full ver. :3 


Thank you so much! ♡


i really loved the aesthetic of the game aaa ! as someone obsessed with cute&pink stuff (with horror elements too!!!??) i have never been so excited to play the full game!! i hope u have a sweet day, sabie! take care of yourself !!!


Have an ever sweeter day, Mio! ♡ Thank you so much for your lovely comment, I'm so glad my game reached people like you!


SUCH A NICE GAME! Cant wait for the full version!


Thank you! ♡


Cute art style.


Thank you very much ♡

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